Who is Gog of Magog Mentioned in The Book of Ezekiel?
(Ezek. 38:2, 10-13; Dan. 11:40, 44, 45; Rev. 17:14; 19:19)
May 11, 2024
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Who is Gog of Magog

Revelation 19:19, And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the one seated on the horse and against his army.


The Bible speaks not only of the attack on God's people

by Gog of Magog

and by the king of the north,

and the kings of the earth.

(Ezek. 38:2, 10-13; Dan. 11:40, 44, 45; Rev. 17:14; 19:19)


Ezek. 38:2, 10-13 Son of man, set your face against Gog of the land of Maʹgog, the head chieftain of  Meʹshech and Tuʹbal, and prophesy against him.

10 This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says:
‘In that day thoughts will come into your heart, and you will devise an evil plan.
11 You will say: “I will invade the land of unprotected settlements. I will come against those living in security, without disturbance, all of them living in settlements unprotected by walls, bars, or gates.”
12 It will be to take much spoil and plunder, to attack the devastated places that are now inhabited and a people regathered from the nations, who are accumulating wealth and property, those who are living in the center of the earth.
13 “‘Sheʹba and Deʹdan, the merchants of Tarʹshish and all its warriors will say to you: “Are you invading to get much spoil and plunder? Have you assembled your armies to carry off silver and gold, to take wealth and property, to seize a very great spoil?”

Dan. 11:40, 41, 44, 45

“In the time of the end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing,

and against him the king of the north will storm;

and he will enter into the lands and sweep through like a flood.


41 He will also enter into the land of the Decoration,

and many lands will be made to stumble.

44 “But reports out of the east and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction.

45 And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.

Rev. 17:14 These will battle with the Lamb, but because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those with him who are called and chosen and faithful will do so.”


Revelation 19:19, And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the one seated on the horse and against his army.


The Bible speaks not only of the attack on God's people

by Gog of Magog

and by the king of the north,

and the kings of the earth.

(Ezek. 38:2, 10-13; Dan. 11:40, 44, 45; Rev. 17:14; 19:19)


Do these represent separate attacks?

Not likely. The Bible is no doubt referring to the same attack under different names. Because the Scriptures tell us that all the nations of the earth will be involved in this final attack that prompts the war of Armageddon.

Rev. 16:14, 16 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.

16 And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Armageddon.


A review of https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2015364


Who is Gog of Magog mentioned in the book of Ezekiel?

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1 Samuel Chapter 8
Verses 4 thru 18

1 Samuel Chapter 8:4-18

4 In time all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Raʹmah.

5 They said to him: “Look! You have grown old, but your sons are not walking in your ways. Now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the other nations.”

6 But it displeased Samuel when they said: “Give us a king to judge us.” Then Samuel prayed to Jehovah,

7 and Jehovah said to Samuel: “Listen to everything the people say to you; for it is not you whom they have rejected, but it is I whom they have rejected as their king.

8 They are doing just as they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day; they keep forsaking me and serving other gods, and that is what they are doing to you.

9 Now listen to them. However, you should solemnly warn them; tell them what the king who rules over them will have the right to demand.”

10 So Samuel told the people who were asking him for a king all the words of Jehovah.

11 He said: “This is what the king who rules over you will have the right to demand: He will take your sons and put them in his chariots and make them his horsemen, and some will have to run before his chariots.

12 And he will appoint for himself chiefs over thousands and chiefs over fifties, and some will do his plowing, reap his harvest, and make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots.

13 He will take your daughters to be ointment mixers, cooks, and bakers.

14 He will take the best of your fields, your vineyards, and your olive groves, and he will give them to his servants.

15 He will take the tenth of your grainfields and your vineyards, and he will give it to his court officials and his servants.

16 And he will take your male and female servants, your best herds, and your donkeys, and he will use them for his work.

17 He will take the tenth of your flocks, and you will become his servants.

18 The day will come when you will cry out because of the king you have chosen for yourselves, but Jehovah will not answer you in that day.”

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October 17, 2024
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Who is Gog of Magog Mentioned in The Book of Ezekiel?
(Ezek. 38:2, 10-13; Dan. 11:40, 44, 45; Rev. 17:14; 19:19)

Based on (Ezek. 38:2, 10-13; Dan. 11:40, 44, 45; Rev. 17:14; 19:19)











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October 16, 2024
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According to John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.
Sahidic Coptic Translation of John 1:1

According to John

1 In the beginning was the Word,

and the Word was with God,

and the Word was a god.

John 1:1


Sahidic Coptic Translation of John 1:1

The manuscript shown here (dating from about 600 C.E.) contains a translation of the Gospel of John into the Sahidic dialect of the Coptic language.

Coptic was spoken in Egypt in the centuries immediately following Jesus’ earthly ministry.

Along with Syriac and Latin, Coptic was one of the first languages into which the Christian Greek Scriptures were translated.

Translations into Coptic were available by the third century C.E., so they can give us insight into how the Greek text was understood at that time.

This may be of special interest when it comes to the much debated second part of John 1:1, which in many translations reads:

“And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

Unlike Koine Greek, Syriac, and Latin, the Sahidic Coptic dialect does have an indefinite article (in some ways corresponding to “a” and “an” in English).

As shown here, the two occurrences of the Coptic word for “God” (highlighted) look slightly different—the first one (1) with the definite article (circled in red) and the second one (2) with the indefinite article (circled in red). Thus, when rendered literally into English, the translation would read: “And the Word was with the God, and the Word was a god.”

—See study note on Joh 1:1 for more information regarding the rendering “and the Word was a god.”

1. “the” (circled in red) God

2. “a” (circled in red) god




A Review of  Sahidic Coptic Translation of John 1:1


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